Lin Yang
Infectious Disease

Lin Yang, M.D.



Associate Researcher of Infectious Diseases,?Department of Infectious Diseases

The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University


Research Interests

  • Viral ? ? ?hepatitis.

  • Pathogenesis ? ? ?of HBV related hepatocellular carcinoma.?? ? ? ?

  • Pathogenesis ? ? ?of chronic hepatitis B virus infection.


Dr. Yang engages in medical practice, research and teaching in field of infectious diseases, especially the diagnosis and therapy of infectious disease, viral hepatitis and HCC. His research focuses on viral hepatitis, especially the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B virus infection, and the pathogenesis of HBV related hepatocellular carcinoma. He is in charge of 3 projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) since 1997.


Education and Experience

l?? Associate Researcher, Department of Infectious Diseases, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sun?University (-present).

l?? Postdoctoral fellow, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. USA (2002).?

l?? Postdoctoral fellow, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, CA. USA (2000).

l Instructor, Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical Science Department, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (1998).

l Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical Science Department, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (1996).

l Doctoral of Medicine (infectious diseases), Medical Science Department, Chongqing University (1996).


Honors and Awards

The second prize of the?Scientific?and?Technological?Progress?Award of Guangdong province in 2009.



1 Lin Yang, Yongyu Mei, Qifeng Xie, et al. Acidification induces bax translocation to mitochondria? and promotes ultraviolet-induced apoptosis . Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters. 2008, 13(1):119-129.

2Mai Li, Yang Lin, Kuang Jian-yu, Zhu Jian-yun, Kang Yan-hong, Zhang Fu-cheng,Xie Qi-feng,?? Gao Zhi-liang. Hepatitis B virus X promotes HepaG2 cell cycle and growth via down regulating p16 protein expression. Chinese Journal of Hepatology,2012,21(8):614-618

3 Mai Li, Yang Lin, Kuang Jian-yu, Kang Yan-hong, Xu Qi-huan, Xie Qi-feng. Small interfering RNA targeting to hepatitis B virus X gene and ?5-aza-2'-deoxycytidineon inhibite growth of the subcutaneous implanted tumor of hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice. Chinese Journal of Clinical and experiment virology. 2012,26(5):362-365

4 Lin Yang, Li Mail, Xuebing Yao, Jianyun Zhu, Yanhong Kang, Qifeng Xie, Zhiliang Gao.Wild and mutant hepatitis B virus X protein with deletion at COOH-terminus promotes cell cycle progression via suppressing p16 and RB pathway in hepG2 cells. Hepatology, 2011,54(4,Suppl):1070A (abstract)

5 Lin. Yang, Jianyu. Kuang, Xia. Wang, Jianyun. Zhu, Xuebing. Yao, Yutian Chong, Qifeng Xie, Zhiliang Gao. siRNA targeting to hepatitis B virus X and 5-Aza-dC inhibited growth of hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo via rescuing p16 functions. Journal of Hepatology. 2010, 52(S1):S352(907). (abstract)

6 Lin Yang, Xuebing Yao, Jianyun Zhu, Junqiang Xie, Yutian Chong, Qifenh Xie, Zhiliang Gao.? Wild and mutant Hepatitis B virus X protein with deletion at COOH-terminus induce cell cycle progression via down-regulating p16 and RB pathway in HepG2 cells. Hepatology International, 2010,4(1):332.(abstract)

7 Lin Yang, Jianyu Kung, Xia Wang, JIanyun Zhu, Xuebing Yao, Yutian Chong, Qifeng Xie, Zhiliang Gao. Small interfering RNA targeting to hepatitis B virus X gene and 5-aza-dC inhibited growth of hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo by reversing p16 hypermethlytion and inducing p16 expression. Hepatology International, 2010,4(1):289. (abstract)

8 Lin Yang, Xuebing Yao, Yufeng Zhang, Jianyun Zhu, Yutian Chong, Qifeng Xie, Zhiliang Gao. NH2-terminal region of Hepatitis B virus X protein is required for functions of HBx :promoting growth and proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cell via induction of cell cycle progression. Hepatology International, 2010,4(1):115. (abstract)

9 Lin Yang, Jianyu Kuang, Meng Wu, Jianyun Zhu, Xia Wang, Xuebin Yao, Chenyou Ming, Qingfeng Xie, Zhiliang Gao, Guihua Chen.? siRNA targeting hepatitis B virus X and Aza-C? inhibit growth and proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cell via induction of G0/G1 arrest due to reverse p16 hypermethylation. Journal of Hepatology, 2009,50(Suppl.1):S101.?? (abstract)

10Lin Yang, Jianyu Kuang,Meng Wu, Jianyun Zhu, Xia Wang, Zhiliang Gao. Hepatitis B virus X promotes cell cycle progression in hepatocellular carcinoma cell via induction of p16INKA4 methylation and repressing p16 expression? Journal of Hepatology,? 2009,50(Suppl.1):S217. (abstract)

11Lin Yang, Jianyu Kuang,Meng Wu, Jianyun Zhu, Xia Wang, Zhiliang Gao. et al. Hepatitis B virus X promotes cell cycle of hepatocellular carcinoma cell via inducing p16INK4A methylation and repressing p16 expression.? Hepatology International, 2009, 1(3): 57(FP083) (Abstract)?

12Lin Yang, Meng Wu, Li Mai, Jianyu Kuang, Qifeng Xie, Youming Chen, Zhiliang Gao, Guihua Chen. Specific siRNA blocks anti-apoptosis function of HBV X and inhibits growth of hepatocellular carcinoma cells by silencing HBV X gene. Hepatology International 2008,2:S102 (PP-082) (abstract)

13Lin Yang, Youming Chen, Hongmei Fan, Qifeng Xie, Meng Wu, Gang Li, Zhiliang Gao, Guihua Chen. Hepatitis B virus X protein interaction with p53 and down-regulating PTEN expression relates to its anti-apoptosis role. Hepatology International, 2008, 2(Suppl.2): S118-S119 (PP-160)(Abstract)

14Lin Yang, Hongmei Fan, Youming Chen, Yongyu Mei, Qifeng Xie, Meng Wu, Gang Li, Zhiliang Gao. Hepatitis B virus X protein blocks adriamycin-induced apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Hepatology International, 2008, 2(Suppl.2): S128 –S129(PP-209)(Abstract)

15an Hong-mei, Yang Lin, Xie Qi-feng, Han Xiao-yan, Wu Meng , Zhang Fu-cheng, Yao Chun-lan, Li Gang, Gao Zhi-liang, Chen Gui-hua.Hepatitis B virus X protein suppressed adriamycin-induced apoptosis of hepatocellula r carcinoma cells. Chinese Journal of Hepatology, 2008,16(1):25-28

16Lin Yang, Dingfeng Zhang, Yuzhi wang, Hong Ren, Shengqi Wang.? Inhibitory effect of anti-gene and antisense oliogdeoxynucleotides on? expression of N-ras and on proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma BEL7402 cell lines. Chinese Journal of Hepatology, 1996; 4(4):203-206



Department of Infectious Diseases

The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University

NO.600, Tianhe Road, Guangzhou 510630 China
